Monday, November 16, 2009

November 12th 2009- My last entry

Today I had a lot of schoolwork and fraternity stuff to do and I did not experience to many media exposures. The first one that I had was the advertisements I saw on my drive to school and the radio that I listened to on the way in my car. The radio stations in Fayetteville are not to good and I feel like they need to add more diverse radio stations than pop and country. I believe that sattelite radio is the newest and best media outlet because it has every type of radio station that you could imagine. This is my last entry and I feel like this blog has been beneficial to my understanding of the new and growing media outlet that is the internet.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

November 12th- Media Overload

I have been awake for about three hours now but already I have had a full dose of media.  I woke up this morning and checked Facebook, which is my first exposure of the day.  I was looking at some upcoming events to see what exactly what I have to do in the next couple of days and the weeks to come.  This fulfilled the information aspect of media and helped make my day a little less stressful.  Next I watched a full hour of ESPN's Sportscenter to get my daily fix of sports.  Sportscenter has been around for many years now and I have seen it change from the days of Dan Patrick to the moving of a studio to Los Angeles.  I have to say that I enjoyed the program much more back in the day then now where they have a little media bar on the side.  Another thing I have noticed from ESPN is that they have become the Fox News of the sports world.  I say this because it seems in almost every sport ESPN chooses a couple of teams to support.  Examples include USC in college football, Kansas in college basketball, and the New England Patriots in the NFL.  After a healthy dose of one-sided sports coverage I drove to class and listened to the radio for music as entertainment and now I am on the internet playing games and posting on my blog.

Peace and Love,
Erik Hild

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

November 11th- BORING!!!

Today has been a day with little to no media exposure.  I had a busy day with classes and have not been back to my house since 10:30am. The media exposure that I did get today however was the hour to hour and a half that I spent watching TV at my friends house this afternoon.  We were watching a program called NCIS: Los Angeles and I have to admit it was pretty awful.  Some of the shows that are on TV today are just ridiculous with the poor production value and the dialogue made Star Wars look like Shakespeare.  However it did keep me entertained while I was watching thus doing its duty fulfilling one of the four functions of media.  The second run-in wit media I had was right before I put in this blog post.  Literally about five to ten minutes ago I arrived at the library and sat down to do some homework but, before I started my homework I decided to play some Internet games at  It was very fun but I got frustrated early and decided to write my blog then get back to homework.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

November 7th - Gameday

So I got into Kansas City the night before and was excited to go see my grandma's new eye.  The only thing that sucked was that she had trouble breathing during the day on Saturday so she was put into the hospital. The doctors ran some tests and found out she had lower right lobe pneumonia.  They said it wasn't serious but that she needed to stay in the hospital for the next couple of days.  Instead of watching the game on TV at my house I requested that the doctors put it on in my grandmother's hospital room so her and I could watch the game together.  The game was my first media exposure of the day but it wouldn't be the last.  Although the game was entertaining my grandmother got bored around the 3rd quarter and decided she wanted to watch Fox News.  Being the good grandson that I am I changed the channel for her and watched the news for about an hour.  Watching Fox News made me realize why I hate watching the news in the first place.  First off the news rarely has uplifting stories, most of them detail tragic or untimely death or political business.  I hate politics too.  After about thirty to fourty-five minutes of watching I also realized that even though the news is supposed to be an objective source for information it ends up being a totally opinionated load of crap.  And that is why I don't like to watch the news, even with my grandmom.

November 6th- The Drive Home

This last Friday I went home to see my grandmother who had just had her eye replaced.  She was going through a hard couple of days and so I decided to go home for the weekend.  On the drive home I was bombarded with media through the radio.  Normally I would listen to my iPod or CD's while driving however, I forgot my iPod in Fayetteville and my CD player would not work.  It was a nightmare.  So for the three and a half to four hour drive i would listen to any radio stations that I could pick up in my car.  Throughout the car ride I picked up several different stations most of which were country or talk radio.  Once I passed Joplin, MO though I picked up a religious music station that was blaring the words of Christ right through my speakers.  After that I enjoyed the sounds of silence for the next half an hour until I got home.