Wednesday, November 11, 2009

November 11th- BORING!!!

Today has been a day with little to no media exposure.  I had a busy day with classes and have not been back to my house since 10:30am. The media exposure that I did get today however was the hour to hour and a half that I spent watching TV at my friends house this afternoon.  We were watching a program called NCIS: Los Angeles and I have to admit it was pretty awful.  Some of the shows that are on TV today are just ridiculous with the poor production value and the dialogue made Star Wars look like Shakespeare.  However it did keep me entertained while I was watching thus doing its duty fulfilling one of the four functions of media.  The second run-in wit media I had was right before I put in this blog post.  Literally about five to ten minutes ago I arrived at the library and sat down to do some homework but, before I started my homework I decided to play some Internet games at  It was very fun but I got frustrated early and decided to write my blog then get back to homework.

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