Tuesday, November 10, 2009

November 7th - Gameday

So I got into Kansas City the night before and was excited to go see my grandma's new eye.  The only thing that sucked was that she had trouble breathing during the day on Saturday so she was put into the hospital. The doctors ran some tests and found out she had lower right lobe pneumonia.  They said it wasn't serious but that she needed to stay in the hospital for the next couple of days.  Instead of watching the game on TV at my house I requested that the doctors put it on in my grandmother's hospital room so her and I could watch the game together.  The game was my first media exposure of the day but it wouldn't be the last.  Although the game was entertaining my grandmother got bored around the 3rd quarter and decided she wanted to watch Fox News.  Being the good grandson that I am I changed the channel for her and watched the news for about an hour.  Watching Fox News made me realize why I hate watching the news in the first place.  First off the news rarely has uplifting stories, most of them detail tragic or untimely death or political business.  I hate politics too.  After about thirty to fourty-five minutes of watching I also realized that even though the news is supposed to be an objective source for information it ends up being a totally opinionated load of crap.  And that is why I don't like to watch the news, even with my grandmom.

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